Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Reason for Intolerance

Reason for Intolerance:

Do What Ye Will, But Harm None...Do Unto Others....Peace...
Where Did These Concepts Go?....

I'm venting. If you don't like it, than ignore it like I know you do all my other posts....

          It is very hard to remain polite and tolerant sometimes ....especially to those who do damage to the world and other beings. Tolerance should apply to those who are different, but who cause no harm. I don't care what clothes you wear for instance, or what movies you like, how you wear your hair, how many tattoos or piercings you have.... I don't even care about your religion....AS LONG AS no souls are being harmed. Those who cause harm to the world are not deserving of "tolerance". So in some ways I am sorry to say... I am NOT tolerant of meat eating, anymore than I am tolerant of republicanism, or radical fundamentalism. I tolerate a lot of meat eaters (the person vs. the action)....the same way you tolerate a severe drug addict or alcoholic in the family because you love them and see better potential in them....but the action is unacceptable and must be corrected.

           Meat-eating is not a personal choice. Not only is it directly affecting and ending the lives of billions of sentient, intelligent animals every year who are denied a personal choice, and not only do the American tax payers have to pay billions of dollars in corporate subsidies to the meat and dairy industries whether they eat meat or not, but the industry (organic or factory farm) of meat, eggs, and dairy is destroying our planet. Destroying it!
          One acre of rain forest goes down every second! Why? To grow livestock feed and to graze livestock. Up to 90% of the destroyed rain forest land is used for these two purposes. 80% of all our grain in THIS country goes to feeding livestock. Over a third of our land is used for livestock now. Wildlife are being mercilessly hunted down and destroyed to make room for more grazing land all the time. It takes over 2,400 gallons of clean, fresh water to produce just one pound of beef. Animal industries use FAR more fresh water than FRACKING does, yet liberals are noticeably quiet on this account. Animal agriculture accounts for 55% of our country's fresh water usage (note: personal use for all households - baths/showers/etc - only accounts for 5%). Not to mention all the fresh water that is contaminated by factory farm waste run-off.
          According to the UN, animal agriculture accounts for a conservative estimate of 18% of all green house gas emissions....compare that to the estimated 12% contribution that all forms of transportation combined accounts for (including planes and ships). I wont even go into the health aspects and benefits, because it is the most selfish reason to go vegan and the least relevant at this point. All the health from veganism wont do shit for anyone if the rest of you condemn us all to suffocation when the world can no longer sustain us and our collective abuse.
          If you are not vegan or close to, I cannot think of you as truly liberal or progressive, and you are certainly not an environmentalist or animal lover. I cannot tolerate those that do harm to the world....MY world...OUR world... and if you are a meat-eater, than you are no better than a republican or a radical, for you are doing such great harm in the world every single day with the thoughtlessness and/or callousness with which apply to your dietary and consumerist choices. It cannot be denied any longer, we know better now. Live better, do better, and walk the walk...don't just talk the talk. If you really care about the environment, stop aiding in its destruction...if you really care about animals, stop eating them. Don't be a hypocrite. Do the least harm you can, and don't not bother because you think it wont make a difference....it does....it will.

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