The Folly of Religious Institutions
By Lady Rhiannon
Recently San Diego mother to be,
Terri James, was fired from the Christian college where she was a financial aid
specialist, because she became pregnant, which was evidence of her premarital
sexual activity. Premarital sex was forbidden by the moral pledge she signed
when she was hired, but the pledge did not specify that she faced termination
if she deviated. Firing her for becoming pregnant is obviously discriminatory
because only women can display the physical evidence of sexual activity, thus
are usually the only ones who are stigmatized for such behavior. It is also
illegal to fire someone for being pregnant under the Pregnancy Discrimination
Act of 1978. The school also offered a job to her boyfriend after making the
decision to fire her, whom they must have assumed was also non-virginal (he
didn’t take it). However, the biggest
problem roots and stems from the very existence of religiously run schools and
their “moral codes” for staff and students.

This is not a plea necessarily to
ban religious organizations from opening a school, but rather a plea to all
people to never send your child to a religious school, and do not work in one.
Also, there should be absolutely no public funding going to these schools, through
voucher, financial aid, or otherwise. Religion’s tax exempt status already
costs us almost 71 billion dollars a year in taxes, which is a tragic waste of
public revenue. Religion really has a perfect business plan going; they sell a
product that is absolutely perfect (but invisible and only speaks through one
book as interpreted by certain special men) and deferring to it, by giving it
money and praise and obedience, is the only way to ease the guilt, shame, and
fear that religion itself imposes on people, and to ensure a secure place in
paradise after death. Religion feeds off of common human insecurities and our
fear of death (being primarily a fear of the unknown), among other things.

and young people need to be handled with care, and their education should be
based on facts and truths about the world and our physical reality. Being
hateful, oppressive, and intolerant is not innate in our character. Bigotry is
propagated into our children and young people by many religious institutions,
and is damaging to the individual as well as society, which must feel the brunt
of that prejudice. It is also psychologically damaging for children and adults to
repress their natural urges from a fear of godly retribution, whether it be
about masturbation or their sexual preferences. Refusing to teach sexual
education as religious schools often do is absolutely dangerous and is the
reason that Mississippi has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the country.
Parents who are insistent on making religion an aspect of their children’s
lives can do so at home or at church. The goal of schools and formal education
should be to nourish the intellect and instruct individuals on the art of how
to think, using critical and analytical skills, not to enforce a certain
religious ideology or moral code upon them. Also, think about it…is firing a
soon to be mother and taking away her livelihood REALLY what you think Jesus
would do?

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