Kirsten Dunst, Patriarchy, and Other Forms of Stupid...
Patriarchy and Feminism: When Will We Ever Learn What They Mean?
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This is the kind of retardation stemming from anti-feminists. |
I am so ashamed of all these women
I am noticing on Facebook and other areas of the internet blowing up about how they aren't feminists because
they like being feminine and wearing dresses and don't want "feminazis"
telling them not to. News Flash!...I LOVE dresses! I love feeling flowing,
pretty, and "feminine". Being a feminist does not mean you detest
anything feminine and think women should never be
"girlie".....feminist means that we believe in gender equality and
gender freedom...that though we are different, we are of equal value. Feminism
is about knowing that women and men are capable of being strong and expressing
ourselves in whatever way we desire. What don't people get about that? If you
believe in equality, you are a feminist or should consider yourself so.

In regards to the Shit Storm about Kirsten
Dunst, the headline shouldn't be about "Kirsten Dunst Upsets Feminists"...It
should be "Kirsten Dunst Has Close Minded View of Gender Roles."
Saying that men need to be men and women need to be women implies that there is
a RIGHT way to be a man and a RIGHT way to be a woman...and that is wrong. It
wasn't expressed as just her opinion or how her relationship specifically seems
to work, she seemed to be saying that this is how she thinks ALL
people should function, because it is the "right" way. It is also
akin to more of that, "a woman needs a man to feel like a woman"
crap. Of course she is entitled to her stupid one is implying
that she should shut up or not act on her first amendment rights (despite the
fact that conservatives are whining about us "attacking" her for
expressing her opinion - not that THEY ever attack anyone for expressing THEIR
opinion, right?!)...but WE also have the freedom to call her out on her
close-minded view and express OUR opinion that she is wrong.Once you put yourself out there, you are up for criticism.
More important, however, than Kirsten's single view, is the worldview as a whole regarding women, gender, and feminism.There is something screwed up about
a society that thinks it is shameful for a man to be feminine or for a woman
not to be feminine.....when celebrities, who (like it or not) act as role
models, think it’s okay to dictate that "men should be men" and
"women should be women"...implying that there is a "right"
way to be a man and a "wrong" way to be a man or woman. It is sick
and is indicative of our engrained, sociological sexism. If a man isn't
"manly" enough than what is he called?...pussy, girlie man, or gay.
Calling a man a woman is an insult....and THAT should be insulting to women. In
society it is shameful and offensive when men "act like women" but
also shameful for a woman to act anything but like what that traditional view of
a woman should be.

#KirstenDunceFailsAgain Read about her latest stupid comments
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Hard to argue with this level of stupid. |
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