The Value of Learning
By Lady Rhiannon

Those who cannot or
will not stop to examine, study, and analyze the world around them seem to have
little to no ability to apply any form of analysis upon themselves, thus cannot
achieve a level of self-actualization. Those
without any motivation to learn seem to lead a semi-conscious existence. They
appreciate things less, are more socially awkward, are less likely to pick up
on details, and are more likely to be fearful or prejudicial against things
they do not understand. As a result they are less emotionally fulfilled, but
they cannot understand why. It is common to say that ignorance is bliss, but
from what I have seen that is only an illusion, because those who are ignorant
lack the self-reflection necessary to understand how un-blissful they truly
are. It is true that knowing hard truths can make people depressed, angry,
frustrated, or even terrified, but not knowing keeps you in just a vulnerable
or dangerous position without the benefit of knowing what to expect or how to
prepare. Learning and understanding truths has always been a fulfilling and
ultimately beneficial experience for me, even when the new information is
most important things in my life have been a result of endless and eager
learning. I have learned how to be an artist, a gardener, a cook, and a
caretaker to every type and number of helpless little creature. I taught myself
how to be a good mother, which is by far the most valuable role I can possibly
play in this world. Unfortunately, many refuse to learn; even to be a good
mother to their children.
mother taught me the importance of learning from an early age. She has two
Associate’s degrees and a Bachelor’s degree herself, and was a teacher for some
time. I too am hoping to become a teacher, probably in history. I would love to
teach high school American History because I think that a thorough, honest
understanding of our history, especially slavery, women’s history, our wars,
and the intricate workings of our economy and government is so very vital to
the betterment of our country’s future. I would also love to spread information
through a larger demographic, becoming a teacher of a different fashion through
journalism, public activism, and political commentary.
We seem to have a
short attention span in this country when it comes to history, and learning is
not high enough on the priority list. I don’t think those that have a true
value for learning are in the majority. I have watched congressmen and alleged
professionals on national television misquote, misdate, and misinterpret
chapters in history over and over again, and quite recently. So I think it is
imperative that we teach our children the absolute truth so that they are never
in a position to be seen as ignorant, nor in a position to hear untruths coming
from someone else and be so naïve as to believe that they are true.
Learning is beneficial emotionally,
financially, physically and socially. An educated public improves society as a
whole. The greatest power of all lies inside the mind, and with everything that
we learn we strengthen the mind, thus strengthening our personal power.
“Knowledge is Power” - Sir Francis Bacon
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Great piece Lady Rhiannon!