Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Revealing Republican Bullshit on Bill Maher
Time with Bill Maher
appearance by Christine O’Donnell
7, 2012 episode critique
Lady Rhiannon
On Real Time with Bill Maher this
week (9-7-2012) Bill Had guest starring on his show the aesthetically lovely
but mentally delusional Christine O’Donnell. I have decided to critique this
particular episode, focusing on Christine’s guest appearance, because the lies
Christine was trying to present to Bill in their debate are quintessential of
the propaganda and distortions of reality that currently run rampant within the
Republican Party. I have heard these fallacies from the radical right too many
times and for too long now, and it is time to call attention to the truth.
The first lie that I need to
address is the assertion she made that for every one new job that we make in
America, we are losing four jobs, and that we are worse off than we have ever
been. This is a morbid fallacy and I have no clue how anyone in her position
can function on a day to day basis with her head shoved so far up her own ass. In
truth there have been an estimated 4.3 million jobs created in the private
sector since the worst dip in the recession. Our economy saw 96,000 new jobs just
last month according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics; which is a stark
contrast to the over 70,000 jobs that were being lost per month when Bush left
office. It is true that we have lost over 600,000 public sector jobs in the
same time period, but that is mostly attributable to social spending cuts made
at the local and state levels which cause millions of teachers, firefighters,
police, and other public workers to lose their jobs and suffer debilitating pay

Despite Republican opposition from
within, Obama has still managed to gain an average rate of +.84% job growth
annually, while Bush’s first term ended with a +.51% average and his second
term ended with a -.84% decrease annually. Obama also helped save General
Motors and saved up to a million jobs. The House also passed the Education Jobs
and Medicaid Assistance Act and President Obama signed it on August 10th.
This bill is meant to save over 300,000 jobs, including 161,000 teaching jobs.
This plan also saves millions of dollars because it closes tax loopholes that
encourage corporations to ship American jobs overseas. This would bring the
deficit down by 1.4 billion dollars over a decade. Our nation was facing an exponential downslide
thanks to George Bush’s deregulation and tax cuts for millionaires, and Obama
and his administration managed to stem the fatal hemorrhaging that afflicted
our desperate economy.
O’Donnell also attempted to claim
that Obama has added a mountain of debt to the deficit when he is actually one
of the most fugal spenders in our lifetime. According to the National Treasury
department, Obama has increased the debt by 16%. Bush increased the national
debt by 115%, Bush Sr. increased it by 55%, and Reagan by 189%. Spending is
also necessary in the restoration of any severe recession; a lesson we should have
learned from everyone’s favorite Democratic president, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt. As Katrina Vedan Henvel said on Bill Maher’s guest panel, “Jobs and
joblessness” is a bigger threat in the long term than the national deficit. Need
I remind our entire country that the end of FDR’s first term looked very bleak
as well? Roosevelt also got three full terms to retrieve the security of our economy
(he was elected to four terms, but died shortly after his fourth term began).

Christine O’Donnell tried to play
the same old tune that Democrats raise taxes to the roof, and the republicans
are the party of low taxes. It is true that the Republican Party like to lower
taxes….for themselves…for the richest people in the country. The corporate and
millionaire tax rates are at a 40 year low in this country. The marginal tax
rate is supposed to be 35% but the wealthiest corporations in this country pay
an average of only 16%. In 2011 Exon Mobile paid 2% of its revenue in taxes,
JPMorgan paid 14%, and Google keeps their tax rate at about 4% annually.
Although the richest 1% is paying a
larger dollar amount in taxes than before only means that they are, in fact,
making more money than ever before. The rich are wealthier than they have ever
been, and the richest 1% if Americans have more than all of the rest of us
combined. In 2007, under Bush, the richest 1% in the country saw their average
tax rate go down to a meager 16.6%, which is a drastic downturn from the 29.4%
average in 1993, or the 29.9% average in 1995. In 2008, 30 of the top 400
biggest earners in the country paid 0-10% in taxes. Meanwhile, the average American
still pays over a third of their income in taxes each year. Obama has not
raised taxes for the average middle class American and has actually cut taxes
for middle class Americans. The typical middle class have seen an average of $3,600
in tax cuts over the last four years, and Obama cut taxes for small businesses
18 times. The only people, on whom Obama wishes to raise tax rates, are those
who can and should be paying their fair share in the first place.
Obama is also responsible for the
Affordable care act, which, for the first time, requires insurance providers to
give a set standard of care to patients (including preventative care), provides
subsidies to small businesses and low income individuals to provide them with
health insurance, extends Medicaid eligibility, allows young adults to stay on
their parents plan, and prohibits the denial of benefits based on pre-existing
conditions (among many other benefits). In spite of Republican obstruction, he
has also managed to pass the Dream act, prevented the increase of student loan
interest rates, signed the Lilly Ledbetter act into law, ended the war in Iraq,
made the call that killed Osama Bin Laden, and repealed “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”.
To deny that we are better off than we were four years ago is to be either
greatly delusional, or a great liar.
Some argue that the two primary
parties are too similar to be bothered with either of them, but this simply isn’t
true. Being on the correct side of social issues most of the time is the benefit
of supporting the Democratic Party. Democrats are not without flaw, but social
issues are what truly set democrats apart from their right wing counterparts,
as well as a greater fundamental sense of logic and rationale. Katrina Hendel,
editor/ publisher for The Nation, spoke very well in saying that the
greatness of the Democratic Party is shown when they are “moved by movements,
to move beyond the limits of politics”. We need to take the Democratic Party, pull it
back to the left, and stand up for our principles and values. We must not
accept the barrage of lies and deception that the republicans use to indoctrinate
the American people. We are fighting against a party that is essentially made
up of the racist, sexist, apathetic, fanatical social elite and the millions of
misinformed Americans that have been fooled into believing the rhetoric and
voting against their own interests. The price of allowing these people to win
control of our government is far too much to bear.
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Goyette, B. (2011, october 5). Propublica. Retrieved from
Tax policy center. (2011, January 31). Retrieved from http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxfacts/displayafact.cfm?Docid=213
The white house. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.whitehouse.gov/issues/taxes
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012, June
28). Affordable care act. Retrieved from http://www.healthcare.gov/law/full/
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